Pcos Diet Chart
Onrising two glass of warm water with 1 pinch of cinnamon powder or Amla Juice
Soaked Almonds, Walnuts/Pumpkin seeds/Sunflower seeds-1tbspn
Break-fast-Besan chilla 2nos with green chutney for 2 days
Egg whites (2 to 3nos) with salad or Mushroom egg cheese omelette-2nos
Mid Morning –Mint and coriander juice /Butter milk-/Tender coconut water -1 glass
Lunch: Moon Dal kitchadi /Soya bean pulav/ Panneer and Peas pulav/Rice Spinach-Dhal with Broccoli salad if non –vegetarian Chicken/Fish/Meat (100 grams) with sauté veggies for 7 days.
Evening: Green Tea/ Skimmed milk Tea/Coffee /Milk with homemade protein powder-1 cup
Snacks: Black Channa / White Channa/Channa jor/Peanuts or multigrain snacks (boiled or dry roasted 4-5tbspn)
Dinner: Whole wheat Chapattis (mixed with soya flour 2tbspn)(2 no’s) with Rajma or beans curry with other vegetables /Lentil dhal or Stew -1 bowl for 7 days