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Generic precautions to curb your hair fall

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Of course hair care procedures have a significant role to play but it is only obvious that once a month procedures can only do so much to help you with your hair care regimen and hence a more frequent and daily care is required.

Now, when we say daily care, we definitely do not expect you to apply some form of paste or ointment daily. What we mean by daily care is a few precautions here and there which can affect your hair health significantly.

Sharing a few such generic precautions followed by a few DIY masks which can help you curb your hair fall and get healthy voluminous hair.

Do Not let the dirt build-up
Our routines are hard and we hardly have any time to relax. In such a situation, our hair care usually takes a back seat because even if the hair get oily, we can always go for a hairstyle to cover that up.
Now, this kind of carelessness results in dirt and dust piling up, even more after the oil starts surfacing. The result- dandruff, itching, hair fall and/or other concerns.

The solution- wash your hair at regular intervals so that they remain clean and an important thing to note- do not go out immediately after washing your hair because a good hair wash opens up your pores making it susceptible to environmental infections. The solution- use a conditioner!

Oil them well
Shampoos, and no matter how mild they are drain your hair of the moisture. It is thus important that you oil at least once a week so that the oil content of your hair is maintained adequately which is essential for shiny looking hair

Use cold or lukewarm water to wash your hair
Do not use warm or hot water on your hair ever because it drains away the moisture content. Cold water or the one at normal room temperature works the best. In case, you prefer slightly warm water then go for lukewarm but never hot.

Do not comb wet hair
Because, right after a hair wash, your hair retain water droplets and due to that momentary change in their keratin structure, they are usually week and can break off easily from their roots.
Instead, let them dry up a bit and then gently run your comb/brush through them.

Brush Responsibly
Do not go harsh on those hair knots. It would simply break your hair and give them a dull unkempt look. Instead, go for a smoothener which will oil up the hair knots and open them up with a gentle brush stroke.

Also, make sure your hair touches your scalp and goes down till the very end. This is because this helps in blood circulation and hence improving your hair density and growth. Every once in a while, let your hair down and then comb- this gives your hair a bouncy look and results in a more even distribution of the oil on your scalp thus significantly reducing the oily look.

And now 2 DIYs to help your hair:
Amla Powder Paste
Mix 2 tbsp of amla powder with 2tbsp of lime juice and mix well. Apply this mix to your scalp and let it dry.
Once dried, wash it off with lukewarm/cold water.

Why this- A natural source of antioxidants and Vitamin C, Amla not just strengthens your hair but also improves its pigmentation i.e. makes your hair colour darker and reduces the chances of graying.

Coffee Powder Paste
Brew 3-4 tbsp of coffee in one cup of water. Once the solution is ready, let is cool.
Pour it on your scalp and gently massage it.
Once done, wash it off with cold water.

Why this- Coffee is highly potent and hence helps with hair growth as well as regrowth. The mixture stains hair as well and hence, instantly colours the gray hair naturally.

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