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What is a Lipoma?

A fatty, slow-growing lump most commonly found between the skin and the muscle layer underlying it is known as a lipoma. The lipoma, which feels doughy and is usually not tender, moves easily with gentle finger pressure. Lipomas are typically found in the middle aged adults. Some people have more than one form of lipoma. A lipoma is not cancer and is usually harmless. Generally, treatment is not required, but you may want to remove it if the lipoma is bothering you, is painful, or is growing.

  • What are the causes of Lipoma?
  • How to diagnose a Lipoma?
  • When is it required to see a doctor in case of a Lipoma?
  • What are some symptoms of a Lipoma?

The causes of lipoma are not much known. They usually appear to run in families, so genetic factors likely play a role in their development. Several factors may increase your risk of lipoma development.

  • While lipomas may occur at any age, lipomas are the most common in the age group between 40 and 60.
  • Lipomas appear to develop in families due to genetic factors mostly.

Your doctor can do the following to diagnose lipoma:

  • A physical examination
  • For lab analysis, a tissue sample removal(biopsy)
  • If the lipoma is big, has unusual features, or appears to be deeper than the fatty one, an X-ray or other imaging examination, such as an MRI or CT scan can be done.
  • There is a minimal risk that a lipoma-like lump may lead to cancer called liposarcoma. Liposarcomas are cancerous tumors in fatty tissues that develop quickly, do not pass under the skin, and are typically painful. Usually, a biopsy or MRI, or CT scan is performed if liposarcoma is suspected by your doctor.

A lipoma is rarely a severe medical disease. But if you find a lump or swelling in some part of your body, have your doctor check it out.

Some common symptoms of a lipoma include-

  1. They are generally found in the front, shoulders, back, stomach, arms, and thighs. They are positioned just below the skin.
  2. Soft to the touch and doughy. With mild finger pressure, they even move quickly.
  3. Usually, lipomas are less than 5 centimeters (2 inches) in diameter, but they can expand.
  4. If they develop and press on nearby nerves or if they contain many blood vessels, lipomas may be painful.

Lipoma treatment in Bangalore at Kosmoderma

No treatment is typically required for a lipoma if they are small. However, your doctor can recommend that you extract the lipoma if it hurts you, is painful, or is rising. If you are looking for some excellent Lipoma removal in Bangalore, then you can get the following lipoma treatment in Bangalore at Kosmoderma-

    1. Lipoma removal in Bangalore by surgery- By cutting them out, most lipomas are removed surgically. Recurrences following removal are rare. Scarring and bruising are possible side effects. Less scarring can result from a technique known as minimal excision extraction.
    2. Liposuction. To dissolve the fatty lump, this procedure uses a needle and a large syringe.

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