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- Stretch Marks Treatment
The Growth Factor promote new hair growth within 3 to 4 weeks of treatment. The hair density increases by 30 to 40% by six to eight sessions of treatment. On an average six sessions are required once in a week to 10 days along with which supplements are given*.Stretch marks are a form of scarring on the skin caused by the tearing of the dermis. They have a tendency to reduce in appearance over a period of time but complete disappearance does not happen. They are caused of normal collagen production.
Stretch marks are most commonly associated with pregnancy and obesity while many bodybuilders are also known to have stretch marks due to excessive muscle buildup.
High dosage of steroid containing skin ointments or oral corticosteroids can also be considered to be the reason behind stretch marks.
Although the skin is usually fairly elastic, when it’s overstretched, the normal production of collagen (the major protein that makes up the connective tissue in your skin) is disrupted. As a result, scars called stretch marks may form.
Stretch Marks Treatment at Kosmoderma
Fractional Lasers have been proved to be most effective for stretch marks. A series of sessions is usually required to achieve desired results.
The downtime for the fractional laser usage is minimal.
- Stretch Marks’ Causes
- How do they appear?
- Are there treatments available?
- Risks Involved
- Fractional Laser Treatment for White Stretch Marks
- Prevention
Stretch marks are most commonly associated with pregnancy and obesity while many bodybuilders are also known to have stretch marks due to excessive muscle buildup. High dosage of steroid containing skin ointments or oral corticosteroids can also be considered to be the reason behind stretch marks.
The cause for stretch marks is the hormone – glucocorticoid. It prevents the skin cell fibroblast from producing collagen and elastin which are essential to maintain skin health.
Between 75% and 90% of women develop stretch marks to some degree during pregnancy. The sustained hormonal levels as a result of pregnancy usually means stretch marks may appear during the sixth or seventh month.
They first appear as reddish lines, but tend to gradually fade to a lighter color. Stretch marks occur in the lower skin layer – dermis, the middle layer that helps the skin retain its shape. No stretch marks will form as long as there is support within the dermis. Stretching plays more of a role in where the marks occur and in what direction they run. But Stretching alone is not the cause.
Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, but are most likely to appear in places where larger amounts of fat are stored. Most common places are the abdomen (especially near the belly-button), breasts, upper arms, underarms, thighs (inner and outer), hips and buttocks.
Although there are tons of creams and other skin products available in the market that claim to eliminate stretch marks, the truth is that most are ineffective and often costly. You can’t make stretch marks go away entirely without the help of a dermatologist. Regular & gentle peelings and daily scrubbing with a brush can prevent stretch marks, which occur when the skin is stretched during pregnancy or from being overweight. Peelings and washings increase circulation and keep the tissue elastic. The same is true of massages.
When stretch marks are already visible on the skin, the use of certain substances such as vitamin A can help.
There are treatments available, particularly with lasers, which can help improve stretch marks, however, no treatment can yet make a stretch mark go all the way back to looking like totally normal skin. We can reduce red stretch marks, diminish white marks, we can improve the texture and make it look better, even in some cases make it so that you can’t see them very easily, but stretch marks are still an area where we improve the problem but don’t remove it. There are no ‘perfect’ treatments for stretch marks.
Though largely risk free, some people might develop post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation after the treatment or may not be responsive to the treatment at all. To avoid any such occurrence a test patch is usually given before the treatment commences.
For stretch marks that are white or if the texture is more of an issue we have seen the best results using fractional lasers. We perform a series of treatments and can get between a 20-40% improvement in the appearance of these stretch marks. Generally we are getting good results with minimal downtime. There are some risks that some patients may not be responsive to the therapy, as well as some risk of post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation in darker individuals that takes some time to fade away. We usually do a test-patch for these patients to be sure we can safely treat them.
Patients typically will need 4-5 treatments with this laser procedure for the treatment of stretch marks. Patients can expect improvement in the quality and texture of their stretch marks. However it is important to note that you cannot fully eradicate stretch marks with any currently available modalities.
To avoid stretch marks during any of the stages mentioned under the cause section, it is advised to apply topical creams such as the regular moisturizers or oils to boost or at least maintain the skin elasticity.
At Kosmoderma, we have curated a series of organic products specially intended at pregnant ladies so that they may avoid stretch marks too considering that a lot of OTC products can be harmful for the baby.