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Have you been partying too much?... Tips for Skin & Hair Care | Kosmoderma

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With the marathon of parties crowding your calendar from now until the end of the year, you may barely have time to breathe in anticipation of said festivities. It's better to depend on a luminous complexion & lustrous hair that doesn't rely on the hourly touch ups. A well-hydrated face & shiny hair will ensure that everything that follows is much easier.

But what about the after effects? Too much partying can leave your complexion looking gray, lackluster and blotchy.

Follow these simple skin tips to counteract these effects.

  • Take off your makeup

Sleeping in your makeup can result in unnecessary exposure to the free radicals in the environment, which the makeup holds on to. Free radicals cause collagen breakdown, which leads to aging skin, i.e. wrinkles and sagging. And of course it also causes breakouts. First wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Use products that include hyaluronic acid or Shea butter to lock in hydration for your skin. It’s important to let your skin rest and breathe properly.

  • Exfoliate

It’s the best way to get rid of dead skin cells, which diffuse light and make your skin look dull. Get into the habit of using a gentle exfoliator every day, and over time your complexion will be much clearer. Exfoliate at night instead of the morning to make sure you remove all traces of grime and stubborn makeup. Go for microdermabrasions or make your own exfoliant by simply putting sugar on a slice of lemon and rub gently over your face.

  • Watch out your diet

A lack of sleep, too much alcohol and sugary and processed foods dehydrate the skin and break down collagen and elastin, making your complexion dull. Tackle the problem from the inside by drinking lots of water and eating plenty of skin-friendly foods, such as colorful vegetables, nuts, beans, peas and fatty fish.

  • Catch up with your sleep

Sleep is crucial, because this is when skin cells turn over happens. Sleep deprivation doesn’t simply impair the normal process of healing in our skin, but it also increases our stress level, which can further limit our sleep. It may also lead to disturbed skin-barrier function and greater water loss from the skin. So make sure to get your beauty sleep.

  • Hydrate

Alcohol is really dehydrating on the body and that includes your skin. So, the morning after a heavy night out, it’s super-important to drench your skin in moisturising products that has a blend of Vitamins C & E that help boost skin’s antioxidant levels and hydrate.

  • Don’t let your eyes reveal it

Lie down and put cold used tea bags over your eyes for about 10 minutes. If you don’t have any tea bags around, you can put spoons in the fridge the night before and put them on your eyes, too! The coolness will help reduce swelling and will help drain any accumulated fluids. Use a creamy concealer to cover dark circles. Make sure the concealer you choose is moisturizing and goes on smoothly, since the skin under your eyes doesn’t produce as much oil as the skin on the rest of your face.

  • Go to a Professional

If you still feel that your skin looks lifeless, get a peel at the skin clinic. A glycolic acid peel offers two benefits to your skin: exfoliation and regeneration. It gets rid of the dull, tough, top layer of skin, rejuvenating the skin cells underneath and resulting in a clearer, fresher, younger-looking complexion. You may also try a revitalizing eye treatment from a skin clinic.

Home remedy for Skin

For an instant glow, mash ripe bananas with a little honey and a few drops of lemon juice; apply liberally on the face and wash off after 10 minutes with a splash of tepid water. Your skin will look soft, pampered and have a healthy glow.

What about Hair?

Does the trauma of washing, drying, back-combing, curling, straightening and spraying tire out your tresses? Do your once-lovely locks now feel dry, damaged, limp and lifeless? Follow these tips to revive your hair.

Post Party Hair Tips

  • Remove product build-up

You spritzed and sprayed your way to party-perfect hair, but those same beauty products have left your locks feeling dry and heavy the day after. To restore your hair’s natural shine and movement, you need to remove the product build-up by washing your traces thoroughly with gentle shampoo .

  • Erase bad smells

As unpleasant as this is, cigarettes, alcohol and sweat (ew!) from the night before seem to manifest themselves in our mane leaving us smelling stale when we wake up in the morning. Freshen up your hair with a scented shampoo for locks that look and smell fresh.

  • Deep condition your hair

Massage your scalp with warm coconut oil. Because it is warm, it will penetrate deeper into your scalp and make your roots stronger. Gently apply the oil to the length of your hair and the ends too. Then wear a shower cap for 20 minutes while your scalp absorbs all the love and pampering! Wash off with a gentle shampoo and condition it with rich, hydrating conditioner.

Home remedy for Hair

An intensive conditioning-pack for your hair: Mix 1/4 cup of olive oil with 1 egg and apply to hair. Use more olive oil if your hair is very long. Cover your head with aluminium foil, then with a towel that has been warmed in the tumble dryer. Leave on for 30 minutes to an hour, then shampoo as usual.

(You may replace egg with avocado)

Kosmoderma Skin, Hair & Lasers Clinics are dedicated to medical excellence in the field of Cosmetic Dermatology with international accreditation and facilities.
We offer scientifically proven treatments using US FDA approved technology. All our products have undergone extensive research and trials in USA, Europe and India. We pride ourselves in offering safe, effective and affordable treatments with high standards of quality. Kosmoderma gives personalized consults with skin care and uses facial analyzer and 3D imaging of the skin to analyze and personalize the treatments and skin regimen.

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