Is there a birthmark on your body that you’ve always been embarrassed about? Relax! For, you’re not alone. Birthmarks, albeit unique, aren’t exactly beauty enhancers. And the worse of its kind are Mongolian spots-a type of birthmark, often bluish-grey, bluish-black or deep down in colour, which leaves a subtle patchy appearance on the skin.
A natural phenomenon that is largely pegged as a benign syndrome, Mongolian spots are not a sign of any underlying health issue. But rather, are the result of the formation of a collection of the melanocytes-the component responsible for pigmentation in the deeper layers of the dermis. The condition isn’t gender-biased and can occur in both boy and girl babies, and usually last up to four years of age.
In medical terms, Mongolian spots are called congenital dermal melanocytosis and often cover 5 per cent of the body surface area. The size, albeit irregular and non-uniform, range anywhere from two to twenty centimetres. Mongolian spots appear single or in multiple areas, but rarely affect body parts like the head or face for that matter. They bear a normal skin texture and continue to go on up until middle age for a meagre three per cent.
Noncancerous and painless, Mongolian spots are easy to spot as their hyperpigmented patches and typically appear in areas like the buttocks and lower back. Unlike the popular notion, these birthmarks aren’t bruises and although they disappear (gradually) the process takes longer than just a couple of days.
How common are Mongolian spots?:Mongolian spots aren’t a rarity. They are commonly found in African, Native American, Hispanic and Asian communities. On the upside, if you aren’t too perturbed by the patchy appearance on some areas of your body, there isn’t really a need to get rid of Mongolian spots. They aren’t really harmful ( as very minuscule cases of malignant degeneration have been reported.) nor do they cause any pain normally.
What causes Mongolian spots?: As mentioned earlier, the primary cause of Mongolian spots is the presence of skin pigment cells called melanocytes, in the dermis. Mongolian spots are often traced to paediatric conditions and don’t call for immediate treatment. While Mongolian spots aren’t downright dangerous in most cases, one should always consult an expert in case you suspect an underlying disorder. For instance, one of the rarest cases of underlying issues in connection with Mongolian spots are manifested in the form of lysosomal storage diseases, especially in the case of developmental delay or neurological impairment. They occur as a result of a metabolism problem called GM1 gangliosidosis type 1. Other malformations include phakomatosis pigmentovascularis.
Also read:-How You Can Remove Birthmarks
How does one get rid of Mongolian spots?:
These birthmarks appear right during infancy- precisely around the time of birth and there are no ways to prevent them, one can opt for a laser treatment. Alexandrite laser is usually one of the most recommended methods and can be performed before an individual touches 20 years of age. The positioning of the Mongolian spots is of utmost importance too. Surgical treatments for the removal of the birthmark aren’t really suggested if they are found in the sacral area. However, if they fall in the extra sacral lesions for cosmesis, treatments are suggested.
The discolouration of the Mongolian spots are restricted to just a particular area, but cases of bilateral presentations have been recorded as well. Some of the commonly affected areas include the periorbital region, forehead, cheeks or nose.
In contrast to Mongolian spots, it also needs to be noted that nevus of Ota usually does not fade away in a short period of time. It persists all throughout life and may enlarge in some cases.
Cosmetic treatments and skin bleaching creams are the other options too, but pale in comparison to the positive outcomes offered by Alexandrite lasers. Either way, a skin biopsy is rarely required.
While how you wish to deal with the condition is entirely your choice, it all boils down to being comfortable in your own skin. Mongolian spots are never a barometer upon which beauty can be measured.
Kosmoderma Skin, Hair & Lasers Clinics are dedicated to medical excellence in the field of Cosmetic Dermatology with international accreditation and facilities.
We offer scientifically proven treatments using US FDA approved technology. All our products have undergone extensive research and trials in USA, Europe and India. We pride ourselves on offering safe, effective and affordable treatments with high standards of quality. Kosmoderma gives personalized consults with skin care and uses a facial analyzer and 3D imaging of the skin to analyze and personalize the treatments and skin regimen.