'Toasted Skin Syndrome': Are laptop users at risk | Kosmoderma
What does the Mark Look Like?
What does the Mark Look Like?
Just as the name suggests, the mark has a slightly dry red to brownish tinge. The appearance is usually mottled with a net like pattern. The reason why this rash develops hasn’t been established as yet but practical evidence suggests that it appears due to alterations in the blood flow owing to the higher than normal body temperature or damage of a few blood vessels in the region.
How can laptops cause it?
First, these rashes aren’t something that happen to your face because more often than not, the face is the first region that everyone protects from any such external stimulus. A lot of us have the habit to work with the laptop on the legs. Some of us must be remembering how as kids, we were told that the hot air fan vent of the laptop should be left uncovered so that the laptop doesn’t get extremely heated up. Now, when we work with the laptop seated on our legs, this heat gets absorbed by our skin which in turn over continuous exposure over time starts looking toasted. Some people whose skin is more sensitive than the rest, experience such a rash faster. It isn’t technically a burn but it does itch and after care is required.
Can the damage be prevented?
Yes- one just has to be careful enough to ensure that they do not expose themselves to too much heat.
What is the solution if one has had it already?
No specific solution or treatment for the same has been generated as yet but the usual burn creams and ointments help. Also, one needs to visit their dermatologist for a more accurate assessment. The results usually take time but over a period of adequate care, the skin can be restored to its normal form.
Kosmoderma Skin, Hair & Lasers Clinics are dedicated to medical excellence in the field of Cosmetic Dermatology with international accreditation and facilities.
We offer scientifically proven treatments using US FDA approved technology. All our products have undergone extensive research and trials in USA, Europe and India. We pride ourselves in offering safe, effective and affordable treatments with high standards of quality. Kosmoderma gives personalized consults with skin care and uses facial analyzer and 3D imaging of the skin to analyze and personalize the treatments and skin regimen.