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Women, Baldness and Hair Transplant | Kosmoderma

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Needless to say that this association arises out of the common observation of men losing hair.

For females, a visible hairless scalp is a rare occurrence and it is only obvious because androgens- the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness does not get hyper-produced in the female body until their menopause if at all it does get produced.

However, to state that female pattern baldness does not exist would be a mis-informed statement. This blog deals with the topic of female pattern baldness and what can be done to prevent and/or correct it.

Understanding Female Pattern Baldness

A more hormone induced issue, female pattern baldness is characterised by thinning of individual hair strand making them susceptible to breakage. The female baldness is categorised as:

Type I Baldness which involves slight thinning of the hair density around the hair parting
Type II Baldness which involves comparatively wider areas around the parting getting affected
Type III Baldness involves a reduction in the hair density throughout the scalp resulting in visible hairless scalp area
Women on an average lose about 20-80 strands a day, a loss which is usually replenished over time owing to the usual hair growth cycle. Anything more than that will require attention, however, may or may not qualify for a female pattern baldness.
Female pattern baldness’ starting symptoms lie in the hair getting thinner and breaking off easily. This may not involve hair breaking from the roots completely but anywhere along the length.

What causes Female Pattern Baldness
Baldness in females is mostly hormonal and in some cases due to nutritional deficiency, mostly of iron.
Women as early as in their 20s do not experience female pattern baldness. The FPB usually sets in during the late 40s or early 50s post menopause. As mentioned earlier, iron deficiency can be a cause of hair loss too and in such cases, intake of folic acid supplements suffices.

However, it is always advisable that one should go and see their doctor immediately if any irregular and heavy hair loss pattern is observed. One can take up application of ayurvedic oils as well but should not rely upon them solely.

The simple logic for that is that hair loss is caused by deficiencies on hormonal imbalances inside the body and hence topical application (application on the surface) can yield only limited results.

Is Hair Transplant an option for Females?

Luckily, most women do not require hair transplant because the hair loss is usually limited. However, one can undergo hair transplant to increase the hair density in the affected scalp regions or in general to increase the hair volume.

PRP and other hair re-growth procedures such as Growth Factor Therapy and Low Level Laser Therapy can be more useful for the common concerns.

It is important to note that the efficiency of the treating doctor will have a crucial role to play in case of an effective hair transplant and hence, make sure that you have thoroughly confirmed your treating practitioner’s background before you take up the treatment with them.

PS: Hair Transplant is a safe procedure and anyone can take it. It yields sure shot results but takes some time to show the final permanent results. The key is to be patient and stick to the prescribed regimen religiously.


Kosmoderma Skin, Hair & Lasers Clinics are dedicated to medical excellence in the field of Cosmetic Dermatology with international accreditation and facilities.
We offer scientifically proven treatments using US FDA approved technology. All our products have undergone extensive research and trials in USA, Europe and India. We pride ourselves in offering safe, effective and affordable treatments with high standards of quality. Kosmoderma gives personalized consults with skin care and uses facial analyzer and 3D imaging of the skin to analyze and personalize the treatments and skin regimen.

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